Located in Edmonton, Alberta

Pharmacist Walk-In Clinic

We offer a better way to get the care you need.

Everything In One PlacE

The One Stop Pharmacy

Accessing quality healthcare in Edmonton just got better! With our new approach, you can wait less and pay nothing. Say goodbye to long wait times and costly fees.

Prescription Managment & Refills

Vaccinations, Flu Shots & Blood Work

Chronic Disease, Allergy & Minor Infection Management

All Services:

Urinary Tract Infections

Yeast Infections

Oral Thrush

Cold Sore Infections

Pink Eye

Painful Menstruation


Heart Burn



Sprains & Strains

At Our Pharmacy

Walk-In, Get The Care You Need, Leave.

Medical clinics and emergency rooms are often crowded, leading to long wait times that can last for hours. At Scripts, our qualified pharmacists can assess to understand your medical needs and write prescriptions accordingly. By visiting us, you can avoid the long wait times and get the care and medication you need in a timely manner.

Additionally, our services can help alleviate the burden on other healthcare facilities, which ultimately benefits everyone.

Doctor & Customer Approved

Trusted By Edmonton

Contact Us Today

Store Hours

M-F: 8am - 4pm
S-S: Closed